Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conflict of thoughts, Mudbox or Zbrush

So while starting Intro to Production Pipeline with Mudbox and Maya, I'm still considering Zbrush as an option to try and sculpt / paint for...

The reason all of this is coming to thought now is because I've heard from a lot of people that Zbrush has strictly more utility than Mudbox; while one is able to learn Mudbox an an extremely intuitive rate if he/she already knows Maya (you can use the same hotkeys as Maya's in Mudbox), Zbrush pushes the limits by giving far more technical options for things other than sculpting...

After thumbing through pages upon pages of forums discussing the comparison between the 2, Zbrush is better once one gets past the learning curve, while Mudbox has the intuitive interface.

One major hindrance is that there is only one computer lab that hosts Zbrush at RIT, and money is a major factor for myself as I don't want to dump money into the software if I can accomplish what I want in just Maya/Mudbox

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